The most awaited Pehli Si Mohabbat is an upcoming drama serial on ARY Digital. Pehli Si Mohabbat has been directed by Anjum Shehzad and the famous designer HSY will be making his television debut with the drama. Maya Ali and Sheheryar Munawar fans are especially eager to watch their favourite on-screen couple together on the small screen.
Maya Ali plays a role as Rakshi as a young and innocent girl who lives with her father.
Sheheryar Munawar plays a role as Aslam is the young sibling of the family who lives with his strict elder brother. Hassan Sheheryar Yasin(HSY) as Akram who is the elder brother of Aslam who always considers his pride over family values.
Rakshi and Aslam families are the biggest hurdle in their relationship as they are bitter enemies. Fate will now decide their love is unity them or not.
Nausheen Shah as Ishrat is Akram’s submission wife. Akram’s family is afflicted by his controlling decision.
Shabir Jan as Faziullah is Rakhi’s father who marries a woman with a bad reputation which becomes the point of dispute in the entire neighbourhood.
Rabia Butt as Nargis is Rakshi’s stepmother who tries to handle the situation and win her trust.
However, Rakshi has to pay the price of the father’s decision.
Sheheryar Munawar
Maya Ali
Hassan Sheheryar Yasin (HSY)
Nausheen Shah
Rabia Butt
Saba Faisal
Uzma Hassan
Shabbir Jan
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